N. Beckley Station Road: Deadly DUI Crash | The Schafer Law Office

N. Beckley Station Road: Deadly DUI Crash

DUI accidents can lead to some of the deadliest accidents on the road. That’s why it’s so important to drive sober. Police are cracking down on DUIs. If they suspect that you are driving while under the influence, they will pull you over. This is all part of Kentucky’s “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign. This will help reduce fatal accidents during this holiday season.

Related: Drive Sober Campaign, Deadly Accident On Lexington Road

What should you do if you’re in an accident?
If you are ever in an accident, here are some steps you should follow:

  1. Stay calm – This will help you think better.
  2. Don’t apologize – Anything you say can be used against you in the future.
  3. Call the police – Call 9-1-1 immediately after the accident. If you think someone is injured, then ask for an ambulance.
  4. Take pictures of the accident scene – This could be used as evidence later, but only take pictures if it’s safe to do so.
  5. Gather information – Get as much information from the other party as possible. Get information like: their first and last name, phone number, license plate number, make and model of their car and their insurance company.

Related: What To Do When You Witness A Car Accident In Kentucky

N. Beckley Station Road fatal accident
An unfortunate DUI accident occurred on Sunday, December 7, 2014. Two men were in a car accident. The driver was Mark Highbaugh and the passenger was Paul Ward. Highbaugh was driving the vehicle when he lost control, went off the road and hit a tree. Both Highbaugh and Ward were taken to the hospital, but Ward passed way three days later. Highbaugh survived, but he was charged with murder and DUI after the accident that resulted in Paul Ward’s death. Highbaugh is due in court next month.

As a Kentucky Wrongful Death Attorney, I’d like to ask people to please not drink and drive or drive distracted. People’s lives are at stake. When we don’t pay attention to the road, we could cause an accident. An accident doesn’t just affect the people involved in the accident, but the families of the victims involved. So, to prevent personal injury and heartache, please drive sober and pay attention to the road. This will help save more lives.

Related: Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Kentucky?