AT&T’s It Can Wait Campaign Discourages Texting and Driving | The Schafer Law Office

AT&T’s It Can Wait Campaign Discourages Texting and Driving

Everyone’s aware that texting while driving is dangerous. However, there is always an urge to check and respond when you receive a text message while you’re behind the wheel. Some couldn’t help but give in. Those few seconds you spend looking down at your phone and responding to a text is risking your life and everyone else’s on the road. Go back to the last text message you received today. Is that text worth a life?

Related: Stricter Texting Laws Go Into Effect in US States

AT&T’s ‘It Can Wait” campaign
To spread this important message, AT&T spearheaded a campaign called ‘It Can Wait.’ Their message is simple and yet strikingly powerful. No text is worth a life. Their goal is to save lives, and they’re calling on everyone – from educators, law enforcement groups, corporations, students and the public – to join them in putting an end to texting and driving.

AT&T has been visiting Kentucky schools to spread awareness among students and faculty members about the dangers of texting and driving. They do this by simulating the situation via a 3-D driving experience. On Wednesday, January 21, 2015, the Southern High School got a chance to experience this eyes-off-the-road and hands-off-the-wheel-scenario as though it was actually happening. The Louisville Metro Police Department and the Louisville Metro Police Foundation were present to extend assistance.

How to spread the message
The ‘It Can Wait’ campaign uses social media networks to spread the message that texting and driving, like drinking and driving, should not be tolerated. Drivers are urged to pledge never to text and drive at Then the participant is encouraged to share their pledge with others through other social networking platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Related: More Enforcement For Kentucky Texting While Driving Laws

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration stated that driver distraction is the number one factor in most crashes. Almost 80% of crashes and 65% of near-crashes involve some form of distraction within three seconds before the incident. NHTSA added that in Kentucky, over 52,500 distracted driving related crashes occurred in 2013 that left more than 9,000 injured and 163 killed. There’s no better time to stop distracted driving than now.

As a Kentucky Accident Attorney, I’m glad AT&T is giving people a chance to see just how dangerous distracted driving is through their simulator. I fully support this project. I hope we all commit to responsible driving and digital ownership for everyone’s safety.