Woman Injured While On Her Way To Her Wedding | The Schafer Law Office

Woman Injured While On Her Way To Her Wedding

*Please note that every case is different. These verdicts and settlements, while accurate, do not represent what we may obtain for you in your case.

Carrie D. v. Smith (Safeco Insurance Co.) – June 2008. The case settled for $33,734.86. This was a settlement for a passenger in a vehicle involved in an auto accident on Bardstown Road.  Carrie was a passenger in a car driven by her fiancé, and they were t-boned. The couple was on their way to be married at the time of the accident. After the accident, Carrie suffered severe anxiety while traveling in cars and had trouble sleeping. She also had back pain which required her to have injections and chiropractic care to alleviate her pain.
