The weather is beautiful in Kentucky this time of year. The crisp fall weather doesn’t mean that there will be fewer pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcycles on Kentucky roads. When you are out driving and enjoying the weather, please be extra careful. Don’t drive distracted and pay attention to what and who is on the road. This small change in your attitude could save someone’s life.
Related: Are Pedestrian Accidents On the Rise?
We need to put an end to vehicle-pedestrian accidents. So, whether you are the pedestrian or the driver, you need to be aware of your surroundings. Both are responsible for their own actions. Here are a few tips for both pedestrians and drivers to help them avoid accidents:
- Be aware of your surrounding – We can’t emphasize this enough! Don’t be on your cell phone, listening to music or digging for something that’s in your bag. This takes your attention away from your surroundings, and they are also distracting you. This could lead to an accident.
- Pedestrians: Be visible – Wearing bright or reflective clothing helps drivers see you. Also, if you’re crossing the street in an area that has trees and shrubs blocking the vehicle’s view on the sidewalk, please stop and look before you cross the street.
- Drivers: Focus on the road – This may seem simple, but distracted driving is a really big problem. Never drink and drive, and never use your cell phone while driving. You need to pay attention to the road, so you can react appropriately if something unexpected happens.
What some Cities are doing to reduce pedestrian accidents
An interesting program by the Seattle Police Department that I think more cities should embrace. I believe this program and police efforts will save lives. Seattle Police are starting a program of “sting” operations to catch drivers who don’t stop for pedestrians. The police will be using live decoys. The pedestrian decoy will approach a cross walk and monitor the driver’s response. I hope we see a similar operation in Louisville, Kentucky by the Louisville Metro Police Department.
More on pedestrian accidents
Pedestrian accidents can be devastating. They can also be difficult to prove unless witnesses come forward. When a car collides with a person in a crosswalk or on the side of the road, the results are almost always life-changing. I know that pedestrians are responsible for watching out for cars and sometimes the accident may be their fault. For example, if a pedestrian is crossing outside the crosswalk, they may be partly to blame. If a child chases a ball into the street, you may be to blame. Don’t take the chance. Slow down and watch out for pedestrians this summer. A crosswalk “sting” may be coming to a city near you.