Dump Truck And Train Crash In Kentucky Leaves One Dead | The Schafer Law Office

Dump Truck And Train Crash In Kentucky Leaves One Dead

Auto Accident A dump truck driver was killed after a collision with a train. This goes to show us that even road giants like dump trucks can get involved in accidents. Please be careful while driving, regardless of the type of vehicle you’re driving.

Dump truck and train crash
According to the report, the 52-year-old driver Steven Hess was driving along Old Lexington Pike near Dixie Highway when he continued driving across some railroad tracks. The dump truck was hit on the passenger side by an oncoming train. It’s not clear how Hess was hit by the train. An officer from the accident scene described the crash as the most violent he has ever seen.

After the accident, Hess was brought to St. Elizabeth Hospital, but was then moved to University of Cincinnati Hospital. Unfortunately, Hess was pronounced dead shortly after his arrival at the University Hospital. Respondents called for help from AirCare, but the medical helicopter was not able to make it due to weather conditions. The train conductor suffered from non-life threatening injuries.


  • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recorded a total of 82 fatalities in crashes involving large trucks and 113 for fatalities involving an intersection in Kentucky alone.
  • Fatalities in Kentucky crashes involving large trucks saw a steady decrease from the 113 fatalities recorded in 2008.
  • Fatalities in Kentucky crashes that occurred at intersections have risen and decreased since 2008. However, they saw a decrease from the recorded 116 cases in 2011 to 113 in 2012.

These numbers may seem low, but just one life lost is already too many.

Railroad safety
Let’s work together in reducing crashes on Kentucky roads and keeping everyone safe. With that said, if you are crossing over train tracks, please make sure that the railroad is clear before crossing. There are signals that are used to inform drivers of an approaching train. However, they may not always work. Also, always remember to keep a distance of at least 10 feet from the nearest track when stopping before crossing railroads. This will help prevent you from stopping on the tracks which is extremely dangerous.

As a Kentucky Accident Attorney, I would like to remind everyone to please stay alert when nearing and crossing train tracks. I know that some railroad tracks are used more than others, so we may get used to not having to stop for a train. However, we still need to keep an eye out for oncoming trains. Always pay attention to the traffic signals and other devices that are installed near railroads. Never try to cross a train track when a train is approaching the intersection. Instead, stop at least 10 feet away from the tracks and wait for the train to go by. This will help keep everyone safe and prevent an accident.

For more information contact the personal injury lawyers at The Shafer Law Office today!

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